Inside Out ´´The Death of Joy´´

I once found a game case of Wii Play in a box while I was taking a little stroll. The box had a label marked with a sharpie
brush, saying "DVD".
Now, I was not exactly sure why it said "DVD". It was a Wii game, right? So when I looked in the game case, I actually found
a disc of the movie Inside Out.
I took the copy home and put it in my DVD player. I found the menu to look quite nice to be frank, and I took a look through
Bonus Features...there was some minigames and I played a few. After 5 minutes or so, I pressed the 'menu' button on my
remote. It caused the movie itself to start, and it started with the normal Disney logos and intros...yet it all looked
sloppy, like it was animated with Source Film Maker with no lights or colors on. However, I kept watching. The start was
It started with all the emotions on a strange new personality island. The camera zoomed out to reveal it was a graveyard
island. A chill went up my spine, because Joy was not there.
Yes, I know Joy might, maybe, just maybe not come to a funeral because she hates sad things, but there was 2 other things
bothering me.
First, the emotions all had extremly bloodshot eyes. Second of all, why would something die inside of someones mind?
After all, when Bing Bong passed on in the real movie, he didnt fall dead, he slowly just kind of...evaporated.
Unless he was somehow buried, but no. Soon a floating cloud reveals Joy..either asleep or dead. I was hoping it was the
former, but my inner senses said the latter. And my inner senses were right, because she slowly was lowered into the
gravehole by the cloud. Anger took out a shovel, and started putting dirt into the hole, while the cloud went away.
It was then when I threw up a little in my mouth. I threw up a little on the ground too, when I saw what was happening
in real life.
Riley was old...but in her deathbed. It was all clear, Joy is nothing to Riley because how can you be happy when your about
to die? The camera zoomed back into her mind, showing that the personality islands were falling and crumbling. Even
headquarters was falling apart, it even had black vines on it.
Suddenly, the scene cut to the emotions, twitching and staring at the camera. They let out a horrible scream, and blood stre-
amed out of their mouthes. I quickly ejected the DVD and grabbed a baseball bat and smashed it. I finally burned the DVD,
and walked away to watch Big Hero 6, totally unscathed by what happened. THE END